Fashion Design and Merchandising

Master of Science in Fashion Design and Merchandising
Standard requirements and course work that students must complete to earn the M.S. degree in Fashion Design and Merchandising includes a minimum of 31 hours of coursework which will include a minimum of 6 hours of research techniques (of which there must be a minimum of 3 hours of statistics and a minimum of 6 hours of 7000 or 8000 credits.
Students will choose to specialize in Design & Product Development or Merchandising and choose to complete a thesis or professional project. Up to 9 credit hours of 3000-4000 level coursework can be part of the 26 graded credits of a program of study.
Design & Product Development combines an overview of the fashion and retail industry, management, consumer patronage and purchase behavior, market analysis, product development, planning, buying, business operations, and entrepreneurship. Students also apply creative design with a focus on creativity, design process, product development theory, problem solving, juried design competitions, and an exhibition of a themed collection.
Merchandising provides both practical and theoretical knowledge in merchandising and retail, with an emphasis on consumer insights, product development, branding and promotion, and visual merchandising.
Course Leveling
The leveling courses are areas of study that graduate students must show competency (through an undergraduate degree or industry experience) to earn their degree. Not all students require leveling courses.
Accelerated Program
The Fashion Design and Merchandising major offers an accelerated program to earn both a bachelor's and master's degree in a shorter length of time. Students in the Accelerated Program take graduate-level courses and earn both undergraduate credit and graduate credit simultaneously. Students need to consult with a potential graduate advisor to ensure graduate credit could be applied to a program of study for the graduate degree. Applications to these programs are submitted in the junior year (i.e., after completion of 60 or more hours of graded undergraduate courses).
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